Islamic Reminders For Real Life Problems
After a long break due to our issues with podcast setup, we're back with a new episode. In this episode, Dr. Yasir Qadhi talks about anxiety. And his words are more special because he doesn't give quote motivational sayings which might not be practical in real life. He takes examples from the Qur'an, the most truthful book, and talk us through how Allah consoled the people before us who went through the same situations or even worse. Suban'Allah. May Allah help us in all the times and make us among victorious in this world & hereafter.
One request. Please continue supporting us. Due to some issues we couldn't post episodes in between but we want to continue serving these episodes all around the globe. So please keep listening & sharing. We just want to spread a good message, nothing else. JazakAllah Khayr
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