Islamic Reminders For Real Life Problems
In episode 2 on this new series, Imam Omar Suleiman talks further about how angels guard us, protect us. I'll share my experience with you. While I was crossing a road, all cars were stuck in traffic and that's why I decided to cross the road but as I was about to reach the end of it. A motorbike came in rushing out of nowhere and I had no chance to jump away or anything. But that bike stopped just few inches away from me, it's front tyre was touching my feet. It was that close. Alhamdulliah. It was Allah who protected me, it was his angels who protected me. Such moments happen all the time, I shared my personal one. From this one of the key takeaways is we should have good expectation from Allah, always hopeful of him.
May Allah protect us all. Ameen. May Allah make us among who listen and apply.