Remember the music of the 'good old days'? You know, those blissful days before the world changed forever? We're referring, of course, to the Israeli music released BEFORE October 7. Back then, Israeli songs were generally fun and light, with songs about love and relationships. Although the past several months have been chock full of powerful, inspirational songs, many Israeli artists are slowly transitioning back to the days of old, with songs that are rather, well, meaningless. And y'know...that may be just what the doctor ordered right now. This week on Israel Hour Radio, we look back at the most played songs on Israeli radio over the past week. Surprisingly, almost all of them have NOTHING to do with the war and October 7...a refreshing change of pace from what we've gotten used to lately. It's time to get reacquainted with Israeli music! (Original Air Date: June 9, 2024)
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