It Takes A Village with Delina Medhin
"I truly believe that if you do what you love, the money will come." Crystal Wright is not just a business coach but a true believer that doing what you love will bring success. In this episode, we discuss the importance of having blind trust in your coach and identifying the right person to guide you towards your goals. Join us as we delve into topics such as why pitching yourself is necessary in business, deciding where you want to go in your career before securing an agent, and understanding the difference between pursuing money versus passion.
Crystal is an experienced entrepreneur and author of "The Hair Makeup & Fashion Styling Career Guide," which is considered the beauty industry's bible. She is known for helping beauty artists find and use their voices to achieve their goals and become courageous business bosses. Crystal offers online business courses, self-help books, and one-on-one coaching programs that provide tools for becoming more disciplined, organized, savvy, and courageous in business.
If you want to learn more about finding success in doing what you love, visit Crystal at or follow her on Instagram @crystalwrightlive.