In this episode, we're talking about the NASA UAP Study Panel, who recently held their first public briefing ahead of their expected report in July. During the briefing, they questioned Dr Kirkpatrick from AARO, and agreed on the need for more and better quality data on UAP. We'll also talk about Dr Avi Loeb of Harvard, whose Galileo Project is moving forward with public data collection and announced they have plans to set up five additional observatories. And last but very much not least, we'll hear from Chris #UFODaddy Mellon, who says that if the US Government holds UFO crash materials, now is the time to reveal them!
Jeremy Corbell: Whistleblowers are angry about AARO saying no evidence of extraterrestrial
Tim McMillan: Dr Kirkpatrick is rated as a “Highly Qualified Expert”
The Debrief: NASA, AARO and the Galileo Project Agree on the Need for a Scientific Study of UAP
The Debrief: NASA Study Team on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Calls for Better Data, Ending Harassment and Stigmas
The Debrief: NASA’s UAP Study: Here Are the Key Takeaways from Yesterday’s Public Briefing
The Hill: US military has been observing ‘metallic orbs’ making extraordinary ‘maneuvers’
Liberation Times: NASA Confirms It Has No Official Position On ‘GoFast’ UFO Video
Politico: If the Government Has UFO Crash Materials, It’s Time to Reveal Them