Ian "Hixie" Hickson is the author and maintainer of the Acid2 and Acid3 tests, the WHATWG HTML 5 specification, and the Pingback specification, and the early working draft of Web Applications 1.0. He is known as a proponent of Web standards, and has played a crucial role in the development of specifications such as CSS. Hickson was a co-editor of the CSS 2.1 specification and is one of the original co-creators of Flutter.
# Chris Sells podcast
# The Mahogany Staircase - Flutter's Layered Design
# Provider - A generic implementation of InheritedWidget
# Breaking changes that would improve the overall API
# Flutter’s Code of conduct
Discussion: https://www.reddit.com/r/FlutterDev/comments/bqyunu/ian_hickson_chris_sells_its_all_widgets_flutter/