Pokémon has provided an article about how to raise Pokémon in Sword and Shield for competitive purposes. A new updated Buddy system has been added to Pokémon GO. The Power of Us is being brought to Netflix, new Mystery Gifts are here for SwSh, and some old stuff was dug up about Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. We tackle rumors and speculation about the old stuff, while Maddy is back to bring us some new stuff!
00:00:25 - Introduction
00:05:00 - Gender Differences
00:25:00 - Netflix Pokémon Movies
00:39:20 - Break Music
00:40:00 - SwSh Mystery Gifts
00:49:00 - Maddy on the Move
00:55:00 - Train, Raid, and Hatch
01:25:30 - Pokémon GO Buddies
01:49:40 - Question of the Week
01:59:00 - Post Credits
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Hosted, edited, and produced by Steve Sarumi
Theme songs and segment jingles by Nicholas Burgess
Ad music comes from Evanto Elements
Podcast artwork by Steve Sarumi