James Low – Dzogchen and Buddhist Teachings
23 November 2022. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from one of the translators.
"(00:00) We can apply the questions 'is there a shape or a color?' to what occurs. 'Does it come from somewhere? Does it stay? Does it go?' We can apply this to both the content of the mind and the mind itself. Do they have a different function?"
"(03:06) The stainless original nature is prior to time and space and, in that sense, it is permanent and can be realized. Such realization depends on causes and conditions, such as having a teacher, hearing the teachings and so on. How then can the non-dual traditions teach that buddhahood is a permanent condition from which there is no back-sliding? "
"(09:55) I used to look at my body sensations as signals telling me about my needs. For example "I'm so tired, I need to rest." However, when I now try neither to merge nor to separate myself from the field of experience, sometimes I ignore these signals and then I abuse myself. How is it possible to take care of my own energetic resources yet be in accord with the dzogchen view?"
"(19:07) I still treat the time of meditation as more important, more sacred, than the time of my daily activities. What can I do to change this view? "
"(26:30) How did traditional practitioners in Tibet deal with their emotions?"
"(29:20) Why in the west are we so serious about what we call 'my practice'?"
"(31:02) There is less emphasis on long silent retreats in our tradition than in the zen or theravada traditions, for example. Why?"
"(34:27) When everything is empty and thoughts and feelings and emotions are mere constructs, how does one avoid being nihilistic? "
"(39:04) What is meant by 'exhaustion of phenomena' ?"
"(42:48) Are phenomena the reflections of the mirror?"
"(43:50) Can stillness and movement be experienced separately?"
"(45:32) If we have not received a direct transmission from any dzogchen master, is it possible to recognize the nature of mind by ourselves or do we need a direct transmission?"
"(51:20) How can we receive transmission when it may not be possible for us to meet Buddhist teachers from the east?"
Video at https://youtu.be/mOByAvxrP5g?si=cRhxJuwzNM_NFzGi