James Low – Dzogchen and Buddhist Teachings
9 June 2021. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the German translator.
"(0:00) Even though I practice, the sense of myself is not changing. How can I directly dissolve the idea of self?"
"(15:55) When and how to use Phat?"
"(18:09 You said: 'Devotion to the other merges self and other in non-duality'. Please explain further")
"(28:40) What does it mean to use the energy of the ego to dissolve the ego?"
"(30:06) Are there natural laws spontaneously arising from the primordial ground?"
"(40:57) Why does it seem harder to let go of pleasant memories, joy and bliss?"
Video at https://youtu.be/ZpRzur9l_rc?si=o19LhiyeTGaroV7d