Near-death experience guest 1087 is Ra Castaldo who during his NDE was inside the celestial waters we will learn about and more. Ra Castaldo born is a born intuitive, caul bearer, musician, artist, and all around renaissance man. From a lineage with deep ancestral history going back hundreds of years in the Mediterranean that is connected to preserving the stellar mysteries. In Sept 1987 he had a NDE experience that which he is an artist, musician, author, world renown researcher. Ra is also a dedicated Dad, martial arts coach and even creates his own Copper and Gem devices , he has much to share. Ra’s YouTube Channel Ras’ Website Ra’s Patreon CONTACT: Email: [email protected] WEBSITE SOCIALS: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: JeffMara does not endorse any of his guests' products or services. The opinions of the guests may or may not reflect the opinions of the host.