Podcast guest 379 is Dr. Joe Gallenberger and we spoke about Psychokinesis and The Monroe Institute. Dr. Gallenberger is a clinical psychologist with 30 years of experience as a therapist. In 1992 he began to investigate psychokinesis (PK), the ability to influence matter - using the energy of directed consciousness. This unique energy is useful in healing and manifestation. Gallenberger scientifically confirmed PK in university laboratories and has taught PK in over 150 workshops such as his Inner Vegas Adventure™ where students achieve dramatic healing, strong influence over dice and slot machines, and many powerful manifestations at home. Dr. Gallenberger has been a trainer for the past 30 years at The Monroe Institute and created its popular MC² program to teach PK, energy healing, and manifestation. He developed SyncCreation® a home study course in manifestation. Using the casino as classroom, his book Inner Vegas: Creating Miracles, Abundance, and Health reveals how mind energized by heart influences our reality. His meditation exercises on CD and as downloads include: The Healing Heart, The Abundant Heart, The Ocean Heart, The Forgiving Heart, Liquid Luck, Abundance Waterfall, Partner’s Meditation and Manifesting with Hemi-Sync. A dynamic heart driven speaker, Joe is in demand internationally as a workshop presenter. He has been a guest on more than a hundred shows, including nine appearances on Coast to Coast Am and five on New Thinking Allowed. He is featured in many episodes of the docuseries, SuperPowerFilm.com