Podcast 516 is Maureen J. St. Germain and we talked about how to how to move your consciousness into 5D, The akashic records and the Merkaba. Marueen has over 25 years of experience in the area of mystical and sacred traditions. Known as the Practical Mystic, Maureen is a prolific teacher and facilitator of spiritual knowledge for contemporary life, having taught in 24 countries, as well as the Kripalu and Omega Institute. Her books have been translated into 12 languages, and she has appeared on national TV and hundreds of radio shows. She is the Founder of St. Germain Mystery School and the Akashic Records Guides, Inc., She also runs a sought-after annual program, The Ascension Institute.
Maureen's YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/MaureenStGermain
Maureen's Website https://stgermainmysteryschool.com/
Maureen's Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/stgermainmaureen