Podcast guest 615 is Wallace Wagner. During this podcast we talked about the UFOs in the Bible. Wallace was born in the small coal mining town of Logan, West Virginia. He received his BS degree from West Virginia University in 1981. He did graduate studies at the University of Charleston and Marshall University. He has gained a unique understanding of the Bible from 40+ years of study and meditation. Wallace has a keen eye for looking at the Bible through a different lens. Having interests in crafts (a.k.a. UFOs, UAPs, etc.), the Great Pyramid, legitimate crop circles, eschatology and the Bible, Wallace’s studies have led him to Egypt, Israel, and Portugal. In 2016, he had his own sighting of the white Tic-Tac variety (representative picture on front cover) in the town of Bedford, Virginia, which caused him to critically re-evaluate his conservative Christian teachings. He now realizes Jesus should be looked at more as a teacher and the Bible, as written, is not what it is purported to be! Wallace has a varied work history including a being a manager for two Fortune 500 companies. He has been a water plant operator, mailman, laboratory technician, farmer, coal miner, banker, phlebotomist, EMT, soil conservationist and is a published author. He is an ordained, ecumenical disciple of Jesus, a Mason, and is involved with the Society of St. Andrews.
Wallace's Website https://withingrasp.net