Parashat Shoftim: ‘You shall be Wholehearted with Hashem your G-d:’ Don’t be Afraid of Tomorrow
The beloved month of Elul has arrived! Elul is the last month of the year and in preparation for the upcoming Days of Awe, these are days of special Divine mercy, designed for repentance and deep spiritual work. Elul stands for ‘I am to my beloved and my beloved is to me,’ and rapprochement with our true Beloved – our Creator – is the theme of this month. This week’s Jerusalem Lights podcast focuses on the great challenge of Elul for all seekers of G-d. Jim Long and Rabbi Chaim Richman discuss some of the intriguing ideas and special, unique commandments in this week's Torah portion of Shoftim that reflect the nature of this very special month.
Rabbi Chaim Richman Jerusalem Lights | Torah for Everyone
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