News Flash: G-d Gave Israel the Torah at Sinai Because He Loves This World…and He Loves Man
This week, with the completion of the counting of the Omer, we welcome the Festival of Shavuot, anniversary of the Giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai. This week’s Jerusalem Lights Podcast is a veritable Shavuot primer, as our hosts explore many layers and levels of the multifaceted festival and open new dimensions for us on this eminently important time, a time of joyous renewal for all who love Hashem, Jew and Gentile alike. Jim Long and Rabbi Richman discuss amazing Torah insights, and Jim Long shares some moving aspects of the personal story of how he came to Torah and declared himself to be a Noahide….a non-Jew who loves Hashem, Torah and Israel.
Rabbi Chaim Richman
Jerusalem Lights | Torah for Everyone
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