Temple Offerings and the Sanctity of Human Life
The Passover Challenge: Rise Up and Destroy the World’s Idolatry
Parashat Tzav ('Command') is a call to recognize the sanctity of human life as Jews all over the world are prepare for the holiday of Passover, the festival of faith and healing. Faith and healing are exactly what our whole world needs while the global battle against Corona accelerates and unifies all people...though we be apart. Rabbi Chaim Richman and Jim Long discuss the universal spiritual significance of Passover in the time of Corona. In the depths of our isolation and quarantine, the Festival of Freedom has even greater meaning than ever before! There will be no podcast next week, our next broadcast will be during Passover week.
Chag sameach, a happy and kosher Passover to all!
Rabbi Chaim Richman
Jerusalem Lights | Torah for Everyone
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