Parashat Shoftim: The Month of Elul, a Spiritual Workshop for the Whole World
The Transformative Experience of Torah Study: It's Not Just for Jews
This week's edition of the Jerusalem Lights Podcast ushers in the month of Elul, the last month of the year and a time of repentance, tikkun and deep spiritual work. Our hosts focus on the great challenge of Elul for all seekers of G-d, and the special opportunity it presents us to prepare ourselves for the upcoming Days of Awe. Jim Long and Rabbi Chaim Richman discuss how this week's Torah portion of Shoftim (Judges) demonstrates the exquisite nature of the Torah's concept of justice, always based on compassion and geared toward the formation of a just and compassionate society.
Rabbi Chaim Richman
Jerusalem Lights |Torah for Everyone
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