Are we 'tied to the law,' or are we liberated by the law? This week's Torah portion of parashat Mishpatim (Ordinances) is filled with commandments governing civil and societal interactions -- property damages, loans, servants, judicial conduct. At first glance, these seem dry compared to the dramatic spiritual events of the Exodus and the Giving of the Torah. But a deeper look reveals that these laws are Divine expressions of justice infused with mercy and compassion. In this week's Jerusalem Lights podcast, Rabbi Richman and Yours Truly, contemplate how even the seemingly technical laws in this parasha contain deep ethical, spiritual and mystical dimensions. Lovingly Recorded in Ora Studios, Jerusalem Israel________Rabbi Chaim Richman Jerusalem Lights | Torah for Everyone Please support the work of Jerusalem Lights, Inc., a USA recognized 501 ( c ) 3 non-profit organization to enable these productions to continue and grow:PayPal: [email protected] or: the USA: Jerusalem Lights Inc. Post Office Box 16886Lubbock Texas 79490In Israel: Tel. 972 54 7000395 Mail: PO Box 23808, Jerusalem IsraelSubscribe to our newsletter at https://www.rabbirichman.comSubscribe to our YouTube channel: / jerusalemlightsrabbichaimrichman Follow us on Facebook: / rabbichaimrichman / 282440396475839