Parashat Vayishlach and Plain Talk About Israel, Iran and the Fakhrizadeh Assassination
The Stain of Esav’s Influence on the History of Western Culture
The Torah portion of Vayishlach includes an exciting array of many of the seminal events in the patriarch Yaakov’s life, including Yaakov’s struggle with an angel; his much-anticipated reunion with Esav, the rape of Dina by Shechem and the revenge of brothers Shimon and Levi on the city, and more. In this week’s edition of the Jerusalem Lights podcast, Jim Long and Rabbi Chaim Richman ponder the relationship of the brothers Yaakov and Esav throughout the ages, and the nations who are their descendants. Our hosts examine Biblical and historical references that trace Esav’s influence on the development of Western culture, and find that so many of these historical forces converge together, as reflected by the upcoming festival of Chanukah.
Rabbi Chaim Richman
Jerusalem Lights | Torah for Everyone
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