Abraham's faith was tested ten times, and the 'Binding of Isaac' was the climax and most difficult of all these tests. The truth is that God tests all of us, through the difficult challenges we confront in life. But why does God test us? Doesn't He know in advance if we will pass or fail? So what does it prove? Tune in to this week's Jerusalem Lights podcast as Jim Long and Rabbi Chaim Richman ponder this ancient question through the lens of fascinating Torah teachings and perspective. _________ Rabbi Chaim Richman Jerusalem Lights | Torah for Everyone Please support the work of Jerusalem Lights, Inc., a USA recognized 501 ( c ) 3 non-profit organization to enable these productions to continue and grow: PayPal: infojerusalemlights@gmail.com or: https://paypal.me/JerusalemLights?loc... In the USA: Jerusalem Lights Inc. Post Office Box 16886 Lubbock Texas 79490 In Israel: Tel. 972 54 7000395 Mail: PO Box 23808, Jerusalem Israel Subscribe to our newsletter at https://www.rabbirichman.com Subscribe to our YouTube channel: / jerusalemlightsrabbichaimrichman Follow us on Facebook: / rabbichaimrichman