Finally face-to-face with the army, the troupe tried their hand at subterfuge. Tyler pretended to be Streamlabbing Tyler and commanded the armies to stop, Del tried to corral the werefolk to safety within the tree, but she became overwhelmed by screaming ghosts, Adam found himself able to lie again, but at the cost of having his hand-severed off by the truth-compelling bracelet, and New Rogue tried to surprise Aesyr Sanguine, but the demon immediately stabbed him and combat began in earnest. The Doctor Deputy is fighting against them, Bob Gilsby has been immolated, Lucretia won’t help, and New Rogue is dying. Is all hope lost?
Featuring players Tyler Hewitt, Del Borovic, Guy Bradford, and Adam McNamara, and Dungeon Master Ryan LaPlante.
Jesters of Ravenloft streams live every Wednesday at 7:30pm ET on Twitch (
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Theme song by Sound Gallery by Dmitry Taras
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