With the rest of the troupe having safely surrendered, Shadow Nemesis was chased by cockatrices and immediately pecked to death. New Rogue was too depleted to revive him, and Tyler was convinced by Ezra to wait and see if the day reset again, so when Del tried to summon Werner, the ghost of Shadow Nemesis joined them instead. Del packed up his body and gear into her portable hole, and they all decided to do some reconnaissance at the battle, but New Rogue tried to deceive Hardin to obtain a cockatrice, and was distraught when Rumpleforeskin compared him to Shadow Nemesis. Will Wet Change ever be honest with the people of this realm?
Featuring players Tyler Hewitt, Del Borovic, Guy Bradford, and Adam McNamara, and Dungeon Master Ryan LaPlante.
Jesters of Ravenloft streams live every Wednesday at 7:30pm ET on Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/dumbdumbdice)
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Artwork by the brilliant Del Borovic
- Website & Portfolio (https://delborovic.com/)
- Twitter (https://twitter.com/deltastic)
Theme song by Sound Gallery by Dmitry Taras
- YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/@soundgallerybydmitrytaras)