Jesters of Ravenloft: A D&D Podcast
Travelling without Del, the troupe found themselves menaced by the mists, their mounts, and each other. New Rogue was nearly turned to stone forever by Westra Ambereyes before he started riding with Tyler, Shadow Nemesis was disappointed when he realized how helpless his friends were even though they thwart him constantly, and General Tyler desperately tried to keep the team from killing each other or dying after Del was carried away by a giant owl. Will New Rogue only use his magical wet rock for good, will Shadow Nemesis get through Corn Town without killing someone, and will Del return from her owl-based kidnapping alive and unharmed?
Featuring players Tyler Hewitt, Del Borovic, Guy Bradford, and Adam McNamara, and Dungeon Master Ryan LaPlante.
Jesters of Ravenloft streams live every Wednesday at 7:30pm ET on Twitch (
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Artwork by the brilliant Del Borovic
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Theme song by Sound Gallery by Dmitry Taras
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