With New Rogue and Jack Magnum still missing, the rest of the troupe continued onward. Shadow Nemesis told Del the story of the Lion’s Paw before unveiling his plan to the sneak into the monastery, Del ordered the Doctor Deputy to tie up some cockatrices to be eaten by zombies and took advantage of her new minion’s darkvision, and Tyler learned he was wearing an earring of sexiness and couldn’t remove it due to the sway it held over him. Will Wet Change succeed in their plan to stealthily enter the monastery? And will New Rogue survive to join them in their quest?
Featuring players Tyler Hewitt, Del Borovic, Guy Bradford, and Adam McNamara, and Dungeon Master Ryan LaPlante.
Jesters of Ravenloft streams live every Wednesday at 7:30pm ET on Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/dumbdumbdice)
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