After Del and the squire defeated the severed head, the troupe barricaded the monastery so they could rest and tend to their wounds. The squire asked for a new name, and Del renamed him Doctor Deputy Extreme, Tyler collected Shadow Nemesis’s corpse and dumped it into the portable hole for safe-keeping, New Rogue was challenged by Rumpleforeskin to consider whether Ezra really was a benevolent god, Del had another heart-to-heart with her bone horse companion, and Shadow Nemesis found himself in the ghost realm intent on destroying Gregernant. Will Shadow Nemesis exploding be good news for the rest of the troupe?
Featuring players Tyler Hewitt, Del Borovic, Guy Bradford, and Adam McNamara, and Dungeon Master Ryan LaPlante.
Jesters of Ravenloft streams live every Wednesday at 7:30pm ET on Twitch (
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Theme song by Sound Gallery by Dmitry Taras
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