<ul><li> Email:
[email protected]</li><li>
https://apostolicinternational.com/ </li><li> Statement of beliefs:
https://apostolicinternational.com/statement-of-beliefs </li><li> The sermon:
https://apostolicinternational.com/sermons/THE_GLORY_OF_THE_FATHER_IS_THE_SAME_AS_THE_GLORY_OF_THE_SON.pdf </li><li> In this sermon on John 17:5, delves deeply into the prayer of Jesus where He asks the Father to glorify Him with the same glory that he had with him before the world’s creation. The sermon challenges mainstream interpretations, asserting that Jesus and the Father are not two distinct individuals but one God in two roles — the Father and the Son.The preacher emphasizes that Jesus is not addressing the Father as a separate entity. These are not two distinct individuals communicating with one another from within two consciousnesses, but One God who plays two roles in one body – the role of the Father and the role of the Son. The core argument revolves around the Father’s ultimate glory being demonstrated through power over death and eternal life. By raising Himself from the dead after three days, Jesus showcased the Father’s unparalleled glory, proving that he is the Father and hence possesses the glory of the Father.The sermon connects this profound truth to the metaphorical connection between the Jerusalem Temple and Jesus’ body. When Jesus referred to the Temple as “my Father's house,” He was essentially speaking of His own body. This connection highlights the zeal of the Father for His Temple, His flesh and blood. This sermon emphasizes the need to honor Jesus as both the Son and the Father, urging listeners to approach this truth with reverence, trembling, and love.Ultimately, the sermon provides a fresh perspective on John 17:5, urging believers to recognize and accept Jesus as the Father Himself. This understanding challenges common interpretations and highlights the divine unity of the Father and the Son, emphasizing the importance of honoring Jesus in this profound revelation.</li></ul>