Bask in the glow of her power.
Games we played this week include:
Necromunda: Hired Gun (17:20)
Knockout City (32:10)
BioMutant (36:50)
Ghosts n Goblins Resurrection (44:10)
The Wild at Heart (51:15)
Fortnite (54:10)
Maneater (58:10)
Mass Effect 3 (59:25)
West of Dead (1:03:10)
News things talked about in this episode:
Ubisoft actually acknowledges political themes exist in Far Cry 6 (1:08:40)
Borderlands 3 crossplay will not include PlayStation (1:11:40)
EA made $1.62bn from Ultimate Team in its last financial year (1:15:30)
Women now own more than 40% of PlayStation consoles (1:14:15)
Find Laura at LauraKBuzz on Twitter, Twitch, YouTube, and Patreon. All her content goes on, and you can catch Access-Ability on YouTube every Friday.
Follow Conrad at ConradZimmerman on Twitter and check out his Patreon ( You can also peruse his anti-capitalist propaganda at