On this episode, we have special guest and representative of Judge of the Week Jacob Milicic on to interview us for Judge of the Week! You can consider a future Judge of the Week spoiled!
Jacob asks us a fantastic range of questions, including how we got started, what we do to edit, if each of us was to name a Magic card to represent the others what would it be, and we talk about our future as well.
This is also CJ’s final episode on JudgeCast. Hard to believe it’s over. I (yes I’m swapping from third person to first person you’ll be fine) kinda rambled at the end of the episode and I didn’t really have my thoughts straight, so here’s one last opportunity to correct that.
Thank you so much to the fans of JudgeCast! Each and every one of you I’ve met has made events better, and I really appreciate it. I also appreciate all the e-mails, facebook posts, tweets, and the support we’ve gotten over the past 5 years.
And thank you so much to Jess and Bryan. They give me a lot of credit in the episode, but the reality is the show wouldn’t be the show without the two of them. I wouldn’t have wanted to do it with anyone else.
So thank you everyone, and be excited for what JudgeCast has in store for the future! I’m excited to be listening right along side of you.
Links from the show:
Judge of the Week: http://blogs.magicjudges.org/jotw/
Feedback Loop: http://blogs.magicjudges.org/feedback/
Our theme music! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5a0pplmtW6w