On this very special episode of the show, Brian invited his friends and previous guests Stephanie Crawford and Bill Ackerman to discuss anything they like without him - and they chose David Lynch as their topic. The recent Blu-ray release of BLUE VELVET from Criterion inspired a wonderful conversation about how both Stephanie and Bill found their way to the company itself and how they came to be Lynch devotees. They touch on all his films thus far that have been released on Blu-ray by Criterion and it is a delightful chat. Also included is a short interview that Bill did with Criterion producer Susan Arosteguy, who has worked on all the David Lynch releases they've done as well as the John Waters discs too. Enjoy!
Follow Stephanie on twitter @Scrawfish
and Check out Bill's other podcasts here: http://www.nowplayingnetwork.net/supportingcharacters
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