Today, we’ll be discussing Episode 9 of Gyeongseong Creature, the hit K Drama on Netflix starring Park Seo-joon as Jang Tae-sang, Han So-hee as Yoon Chae-ok, Wi Ha-jun as Kwon Jun-taek, Kim Soo-hyun as Lady Maeda, Ji Woo as Myeong-ja, Jo Han-chul as Yoon Joong-won, and Kim Hae-sook as Nawol daek. We discuss:
- How Jang Tae-sang and Yoon Chae-ok are reunited and they manage to sneak a few moments of joy together.
- How Yoon Chae-ok doesn’t want to be forgotten and she makes Jang Tae-sang promise that they will always remember each other.
- The amazing kiss between Jang Tae-sang and Yoon Chae-ok!
- Jang Tae-sang’s plan to blow up Ongseong Hospital.
- How the Japanese control the news; the killings by Myeong-ja aren’t reported until Ishikawa is dead and then he is reported as having died honorably while going after the Joseon serial killer.
- How Yoon Chae-ok was on a suicide mission when she killed Dr. Ichiro. She can’t see a future, while Jang Tae-sang is motivated by a better future.
- After so many years of looking for her mom, now that she’s found her, Yoon Chae-ok can’t imagine a future life, and she certainly can’t imagine a life filled with happiness.
- How Lady Maeda didn’t seem too upset when she heard about her husband’s condition; in fact, she asked Dr. Ichiro to put an end to his misery.
- Yoon Joong-won has gone back into the hospital to end his wife’s misery; he lets himself be imprisoned, but then manages to get away from his captors and is now loose in the hospital.
- Nobody can find Yoon Chae-ok but we learn that she is at Lady Maeda’s house.
- Jang Tae-sang has figured out that Lady Maeda has Yoon Chae-ok, and he challenges her, saying he’ll never stop looking for Yoon Chae-ok.
- When Lady Maeda tells Jang Tae-sang about his staff’s betrayals, he counters that his people would not have had to betray their loved ones if it weren’t for the crimes of the Japanese.
- Jang Tae-sang confesses to Mrs. Nawol that he knew about her betrayal a short time after his mother died, but she doesn’t need forgiveness because it wasn’t her fault.
- Yoon Chae-ok is taken to Ongseong Hospital and the creature breaks through the grate.
- The K Drama elements in this episode, including lots of crying, more information about the connection between Lady Maeda and Seishin from the past, the amazing kiss, and the funeral for Commissioner Ishikawa.
- A bit of information about Japanese funerals and the expected behavior of guests.
- The show we will recap and analyze in Season 7 of K Drama Chat!