This special class dedicated to “The Rebbe” delves into the remarkable growth and enduring impact of Chabad, attributed to the leadership of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. It explores the Rebbe’s unique ability to empower individuals, his optimistic vision of the world, and the exponential growth of Chabad since his passing. Key stories and teachings illustrate how the Rebbe inspired young, inexperienced individuals to become leaders, thereby spreading Jewish life across the globe.
Marking the 30th anniversary of the rebbe’s passing.
Key Takeaways:
1. The Rebbe's empowerment of young shluchim led to the global spread of Jewish centers and services.
2. Despite predictions, Chabad grew exponentially after the Rebbe's passing, inspired by his teachings and vision.
3. The Rebbe’s optimistic view of the world as G-d’s garden encouraged seeing the divine in all aspects of life.
4. Individual efforts and talents are crucial in fulfilling the Rebbe’s mission of spreading Yiddishkeit.
5. The Rebbe's belief in the potential of every individual was a cornerstone of his leadership.
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