Keep Calm and Carry Yarn: A Knitting and Crochet Podcast
Personality Quiz Which British Royal are You?
WIP Projects 08:19 Carolyn Top by Joanne Scrace Valley Yarns Charlemont Kettle Dye Teal Blue 08:49 Fixing gauge height video Andean Chullo Hat by Kerin Dimeler-Laurence 15:10
FO Projects 17:38 Cat Nest by Hanne Katajamäki Syncopated Caps by Kate Gilbert 21:17
Momopedia 23:56
Our Favorite Things 28:05 Alyson Potter & Bloom-Emma Cherry Heart-Sandra The Crochet Circle-Fay (CAL March 3rd, Cobbled Street Cowl by Sol Rencoret) Crochetcakes-Clarissabeth Hooks & Books-Sarah
Vivian 34:24
Nerdtastic 35:33 Walking Dead Doctor Who (Timey Wimey KAL by Bad Wolf Girl Knits and Crazy Sock Lady) Outlander (The Scot and the Sassenach)
Shop Talk 41:17 Keep Calm and Carry Yarn is sponsored by our Etsy shop, Pearl and Plum. To celebrate our new adventure in podcasting, we are offering coupon code for 15% off your total purchase. Thanks!
Convertible bag
Outro 44:28 Alyson is moving to Edinburgh (Update: The visa arrived!!!!!)
Ravelry: Alysonhere, Upstateviv YouTube: Keep Calm and Carry Yarn Podcast Instagram: KCACYpodcast Etsy: Pearl & Plum