Keep Calm and Carry Yarn: A Knitting and Crochet Podcast
We're together again, this time in New Hampshire for a short episode to kick off the month. Vivian has another "experiment" to show off, but Alyson is starting to insist that these aren't experiments, they're bonafide designs. This time it's a colorful infinity scarf. Alyson has finished her Wisteria Trellis shawl for the Blacker Yarns PodKAL, and with plenty of time to spare.
You can subscribe to our show on iTunes and YouTube. You can also download the episode from LibSyn. We appreciate every like, comment, review, and subscribe we get because it gives us warm fuzzies and it helps other people find our show! This episode is sponsored by Pearl and Plum.
\\ B U Z Z F E E D Q U I Z \\
Which Clichéd Female Character Are You?
\\ W O R K S I N P R O G R E S S \\
Bubbly Sweater by Isabell Kraemer - Knit Picks Stroll
"Experiment" Infinity Scarf by Vivian - Madeline Tosh Twist Light, Knit Picks Bare Hare & Knit Picks Stroll
\\ F I N I S H E D O B J E C T S \\
Wisteria Trellis Shawl by Joanne Scrace - Doulton Flock Border Leicester & Baa Baa Brighouse Brighouse Marble 4 Ply
Purple and White Daisy Stitch Hat by Vivian - Cascade Yarns Lana D'Oro Hand Dyed & Knit Picks Swish Worsted
\\ S H O P T A L K \\
\\ N E R D T A S T I C \\
Black Panther
\\ F O L L O W U S \\ Ravelry: alysonhere, upstateviv YouTube: Keep Calm and Carry Yarn Podcast Instagram: KCACYpodcast, alysonhere, upstate_viv Etsy: Pearl & Plum