Keep Calm and Carry Yarn: A Knitting and Crochet Podcast
Slow but steady wins the race (maybe). Both Vivian and Alyson are taking that philosophy to heart, each with small projects underway for the KALCAL: hot water bottle cover for Alyson and dish towel for Vivian. In other news, Alyson is grumbling about both her tank top and her sweater, but don’t worry she still loves her makes. And we hear from Hannah over at the Cozy Cottage Crochet podcast with a mailbag submission!
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\\ B U Z Z F E E D Q U I Z \\
Which Historic Time Period is Actually a Better Fit For You?
\\ W O R K S I N P R O G R E S S \\
Sock Arms by Stephanie Lotven – Knit Picks Stroll Tonal Blue Yonder, Knit Picks Felici Hopscotch
Slip Stitch Dishtowel by Purl Soho – Lily Sugar ‘n Cream
Pleated Cardigan by Kat Goldin – John Arbon Textiles Knit by Numbers 4 Ply
\\ F I N I S H E D O B J E C T S \\
Shorty Socks – Knit Picks Felici Time Traveller
Alyson’s Roma Tank Top – Classic Elite Katydid
Hot Water Bottle Cover
\\ K A L C A L \\
\\ M A I L B A G \\
Hannah – The Cozy Cottage Crochet
\\Y A R N Y B I T S A N D B O B S\\
\\ A F E W O F O U R F A V O R I T E T H I N G S \\
\\ N E R D T A S T I C \\
\\ S H O P T A L K \\
\\ F O L L O W U S \\ Ravelry: alysonhere, upstateviv YouTube: Keep Calm and Carry Yarn Podcast Instagram: KCACYpodcast, alysonhere, upstate_viv Etsy: Pearl & Plum
Theme music: Carpe Diem Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License