Line up your polyhedrals in order of social preference as we enter the Gaming Hut to examine caste and class in worldbuilding.
The History Hut provides a footnote to a somber event with details on the 1822 trial of Denmark Vesey, a founder of Charleston SC’s Mother Emanuel Church, for conspiracy to revolt against slavery.
Tom Pleasant poses a challenging Ask Ken and Robin query, asking what we would do if we could use Ken’s Time Machine to alter roleplaying history.
Finally we bathe ourselves in light as the Consulting Occultist profiles the preeminent practitioner of nice magic, Dion Fortune.
Look out, Lieutenants of evil! The sinister mastermind you work for has taken some time to shake the post-conquest blues. But he’ll be back soon, and your survival depends on impressing him. Thankfully, our lead sponsor Atlas Games has just what you need: their delightful new card game of competitive minion-stacking, Three Cheers for Master.