The epic begins. Featuring a disgraced Princess, a desperate hero, and a ferocious beast many would consider just a legend.
Trigger warnings can be found at the end of the show notes.
The transcript can be found at
Khôra Podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. This episode was produced by A.L Emmet, directed by Sats Di Stefano, and starred Kit MacNeil as Medea, Mq Quinlan as Atalanta, and Kat Hawthorne as ECHO. Witch, Traitor, Slayer of Heroes was written by Georgie Lupinacci and Celeste Lang. All of the original music was created by the Khôra team. Sound design for this episode was provided by Ibrahim Steel, Maxwell Beckett, Kit MacNeil, Riannon S. R, and Mq Quinlan, and the poster art is drawn and designed by Hayan Lee and Clary Cheung. The Khôra cover art is drawn and designed Jules Violet and Clary Cheung. Season one of Khôra Podcast was outlined by Sats Di Stefano, Clary Cheung, and A.L Emmet.
Follow us on Tumblr, Twitter, or Instagram where we are always @KhoraPodcast. You can post about the show using #KhoraPodcast.
Trigger Warnings: guns, references to murder, kidnapping, loud noises, animal death, simulated sensory overload.