For this special episode Nils and Christopher sat down to reflect on the first 20 episodes of Kickback and discuss some plans for the 2020.
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The Kickback team wishes you a happy holiday season! We look forward to 2020!
Chapter I - Basics
1. Susan Rose-Ackerman on the principal-agent theory of corruption
5. Bo Rothstein on corruption as a collective action problem and long term fixes
7. Paul Heywood on which questions to ask to gain new insights into the wicked problem of corruption
Chapter II – Perspectives on Corruption
12. Oguzhan Dincer on measuring corruption at different levels & historic developments in Turkey
13. Cristina Bicchieri on social norms of corruption, Antanas Mockus and Soap Operas
16. Kevin E. Davis on his book "Between Impunity & Imperialism" and fighting transnational bribery
17. Shaul Shalvi on behavioral ethics and the psychological roots of corruption
19. Monika Bauhr on need vs. greed corruption and how it is linked to gender
Chapter III - Regions
4. Paul Lagunes on transparency 2.0, the importance of citizens for anti-corruption in Latin America
11. Daria Kaleniuk on the anti-corruption reforms in Ukraine
14. Kieu Vien on encouraging discussions about corruption & shaping anti-corruption laws in Vietnam
20. Leonor Ortiz Monasterio & Miguel Meza on anti-corruption in Mexico
Chapter IV - Journalism
6. Frederik Obermaier on Panama Papers, Ibiza video & the role of media freedom for anti-corruption
8. Alina Mungiu-Pippidi on corruption in Romania, democratic transitions, advise for young scholars
18. David Barboza on investigating the hidden wealth of Chinese elites
Chapter V - Practitioners
2. Deltan Dallagnol on leading the prosecution of the Lava Jato investigations in Brazil
3. Robtel Neajai Pailey on how to teach anti-corruption through children's books
9. Debra LaPrevotte on being an FBI agent, asset recovery, safe havens for cleptocrats & war crimes
10. Elise Bean on financial fraud, money laundering and the top 3 policies to curb corruption
15. Sergei Guriev on the value of governance, inclusion & the internet for anti-corruption efforts