We welcome Franz von Weizsäcker (@franzvw) from the GIZ (German Corporation for International Cooperation) Blockchain Lab and Niklas Kossow (@NiklasKossow) from the Hertie School of Governance. The interview takes a deep dive into how new technologies (ICTs), in particular distributed ledger technology like Blockchain can be used to curb corruption.
Franz and Niklas first describe how they became interested in the topic of ICTs and anti-corruption and provide a basic introduction into how distributed ledger technology works. The interview then outlines the challenges that development projects that seek to make use of such technologies face but also highlights some positive examples. The interview closes with concrete recommendations for academic research that can help to fill knowledge gaps about the use of ICTs in the fight against corruption.
Links & References
If you are completely new to the topic of Distributed ledger technologies and Blockchain, this video provides some of the basics: https://youtu.be/SSo_EIwHSd4
Find out more about the GIZ Blockchain lab (https://www.giz.de/en/worldwide/67045.html)
Niklas references a previous episode of Kickback with Irio Musskopf which you can find here: https://soundcloud.com/kickback-gap/33-irio-musskopf-on-using-artificial-intelligence-to-fight-corruption
To find out more about the referenced Ukrainian public procurement system ProZorro: https://prozorro.gov.ua/en
Niklas refers to the TruBudget Project: https://openkfw.github.io/trubudget-website/
More information about the education credential project that Franz mentions: https://www.giz.de/en/downloads/giz2019-en-concept-note-distributed-ledger.pdf
More info about the referenced Corona App:
The infamous Dao hack:
How to use ICT to strengthen Anti-Corruption authored by Niklas and Viktoria Dykes:
The potential of distributed ledger technologies in the fight against
Corruption by the GIZ https://www.giz.de/de/downloads/Blockchain_Anticorruption-2020.pdf
Niklas recent review article on Digital anti-corruption: hopes and challenges