00:00: Introduction and what sparked Liz’s interest in corruption
02:20: What is state capture (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_capture)
05:16: Liz discusses how state capture has been politically-driven in more recent developments
08:30: Can we compare state capture to an extreme form of lobbyism? Liz goes deeper into the definition of state capture and hones in on the intentionality aspect of state capture
10:58: Exposing machine politics: the Brazilian Car Wash Scandal (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Car_Wash ) as a revealing example on the systematic structure of state capture (Liz’s paper)
14:30: Liz looks into how state capture happens in order to understand how to prevent it
18:41: The alarming frequency of state capture in developed nations, specifically the U.K.
24:30: Our roles as citizens and academics to hold public officials accountable
29:18: Liz elaborates on her work on corruption in public procurement, and discusses how Big Data reveals the prevalence of this corruption (Paper by Liz David-Barrett and Mihály Fazekas https://ace.globalintegrity.org/anti-corruption-in-aid-funded-procurement/)
33:18: The displacement effect of imposing anti-corruption restrictions on the public procurement process (http://www.govtransparency.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/David-Barrett-Fazekas_Displacement-effects_20180914_GTI-WP-format.pdf)
34:27: The unintended effects of anticorruption measures. (Paper by Ray Fisman and Miriam Goldman https://www.researchgate.net/publication/327202630_Corruption_What_Everyone_Needs_to_KnowR_by_Ray_Fisman_and_Miriam_A_Golden_Oxford_University_Press_New_York_2017)
34:50: How anticorruption clubs target systemic corruption (Dive deeper by listening to episode 46 of Kickback with Lola Adekanye)
43:46: Liz gives recommendations to the research community, particularly young researchers in this area
46:24: How Liz collects examples of where music and art are used in anti-corruption campaigns, and Liz’s favourite example (Video of Colombian politicians: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nacvZmMwZuo)