Ep. 57 - Kids Ask Dr. Friendtastic: The upside of disagreements.
Zen wants to know how to avoid conflicts, but what if conflicts are sometimes helpful?
Scroll down for discussion questions.
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- Describe a conflict you had with a friend. What happened? What was your friend’s point of view and what was yours? How did the conflict affect your friendship?
- Dr. Friendtastic says that conflict can be a way for friends to learn about each other. What does that mean?
- When might it be a good idea to give in and do what your friend wants, even though it isn’t exactly what you want? When is it NOT a good idea to do this?
- Why is it important to try to understand what a friend is thinking or feeling? (Hint: What could happen if we just insist on what we want?)
- What are some things you can do or not do to make conflicts with a friend less painful?