Anddddd your 3 favorite Kill Team boys are back to talk about Warhammer 40k and Warhammer 40k adjacent properties! Ben has been a bit of a loser again and is wayyyy behind in our hobby challenge. Meanwhile, I Rhys and my best friend Russ are almost finished with our Space Marine Chapters/Legions! Time is running out, so get your Intercession Squad Kill Team submitted and fast! I, Rhys, am up to my bloody neck in this Kill Team Into The Dark space hulk terrain, and it really is fair dinkum! I've been listening to my favorite band Accadacca while i paint it, and it's defo helped me get into the hobby mood! Russ is building another lovely Legionaries Kill Team with a Slanesh/Emperor's Children vibes this time. I think that makes 3??? Very cool stuff! Ben has been painting the same Red Corsairs Legionaries he's been talking about since we started this podcast, and frankly, it's time for him to finish them up so he can get to work on his Flame Eagles Intercession Squad! In other news, nerd/hobby stores are popping up left and right! Is this a sign of good things to come for our hobby of Tabletop Wargaming? Warhammer 40k, Age of Sigmar, Kill Team, War Cry and Necromunda are just a few of Games Workshop's lovely offerings, and they're all growing steadily in popularity. More nerds in the hobby is a good thing in our book! After a SHOCKING turn of events in Legions of Russ, we're prepping for an exciting month of OrktobOrk! We'll be reading Ghazkull Thrakka: Prophet of the Waaaaaghh, and starting a new Ork Proxy Kill Team Challenge! All very exciting stuff that you won't want to miss out on. Enjoy.