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Time Stamps -
00:03:10 - Housekeeping
PS I Love You Shirt
Thank you to our Patreon Producers: Mohammed Mohammed, Al Tribesman, Black Jack
The Roper Report -
00:04:01 - DualSense, Hi-dea-ki Ni-shi-no SVP Platform Planning and Management
00:21:00 - What might the two-tone color design tell us about the final design of the PS5 console? Will it also be white, black, and blue? - Best Friends Q: Jamie S
00:33:10 - With the reveal of the DuelSense controller and the fact that it has a microphone array, do you think this is opening up PlayStation gamers to targeted marketing in the future? With a controller in our hands that is possibly listening to us at all times could they use this data in the same way companies like google would? - Best Friends Q: Tim Currey
00:38:20 - Inside Xbox Report
00:42:05 - Play Stadia Pro for free, starting today, Phil Harrison, VP and GM, Stadia
00:46:15 - Borderlands Science
00:49:35 - Should gearbox have made this new feature a free to play stand alone game rather than lock it behind the full game? Also what are some other ways other devs can be helping the scientific community? - Best Friends Q: Frankfurtter
00:53:30 - MANSCAPED
00:56:00 - Out today
01:01:09 - Squad Up:
01:02:06 - You‘re Wrong
Tomorrow’s Hosts: Greg and Blessing
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