Greg and Blessing talk about Cyberpunk falling to November and what it means for next-gen consoles, Spider-Man: Miles Morales details, and more!
Time Stamps -
00:03:00 - Housekeeping
Joey and I are streaming for St, Jude during GCX today! 1-3:45 pm. Hosting on KFG.
I’m hosting EA Play TODAY at 4 pm PT, and the boys are live reacting. I have told them NOTHING.
Thank you to our Patreon Producers: Mohammed Mohammed, Conner Nolan, Black Jack
The Roper Report -
00:08:10 - Cyberpunk 2077 DELAYED
00:10:52 - Can we make an educated guess that the Xbox Series X is coming out that day too? - Best Friends Q:B.J. Bumgarner
00:17:10 - How are game previews working with the current state of the world? - Best Friends Q: 2038 Pokémon CEO
00:28:16 - Spider-Man: Miles Morales Deets, Insom’s Brian Horton
00:41:30 - Dornbush got a crash Bandicoot Puzzle, a section is missing…
00:45:10 - The Last of Us Part II Merch Revealed
00:47:00 - Out today
00:53:00 - Reader mail -
00:55:00 - Has the industry shown that E3 is in fact no longer necessary and the scatter shot approach of information makes it so that everyone has equal limelight? - TheSheepWhisper
01:03:35 - You‘re Wrong
Tomorrow’s Hosts: Blessing and Greg
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