Kinda Funny Games Daily: Video Games News Podcast
There's a new State of Play coming, Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is getting a new trailer, and should Redfall get delayed? Blessing and Greg talk about it all on today's Games Daily.
Time Stamps -
00:00:00 - Start
00:07:14 - Housekeeping
00:10:00 - Redfall is not launching with a performance mode
00:24:55 - A new State of Play is coming, all about Final Fantasy 16
00:31:35 - Ad
00:32:40 - Tears of the Kingdom is getting one more, 3 minute long trailer
00:35:45 - PlayStation may have finally stopped sending ‘thank you for your purchase’ emails for PS Plus games
00:38:43 - PS Plus Extra games for April have been announced
00:41:56 - THQ Nordic community manager denies claims that AEW Fight Forever is ‘basically ready’
00:48:40 - Out Today
00:52:44 - “Let’s give out some awards!” - JMaz
00:59:41 - Squad Up: Miguel - PS Vita - SoulBlaster59
01:00:55 - You‘re Wrong
Tomorrow’s Hosts: Bless & Tim
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