Kinda Funny Games Daily: Video Games News Podcast
Blessing and Tim talk about Returnal for PC, Sackboy's mobile game, and layoffs at Microsoft.
Time Stamps -
00:00:00 - Start
00:06:45 - Housekeeping
00:09:00 - Returnal Comes to PC Next Month
00:17:23 - Sackboy is the next PlayStation series coming to mobile
00:27:06 - Destruction AllStars studio Lucid Games is working with Rare on Sea of Thieves
00:32:15 - Ad
00:33:10 - Microsoft will lay off 10,000 employees
00:38:07 - We’re getting a Rainbow Six movie
00:46:06 - Out today
00:48:00 - “Why is it a bad thing for Suicide Squad to be a game as a service?” - James Davis
00:57:56 - “What established franchise or licensed property DO you want to see take on the games as a service model?” - Sam Bam
01:00:45 - You‘re Wrong
Tomorrow’s Hosts: Bless & Tim
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