Kinda Funny Games Daily: Video Games News Podcast
Blessing has seen more behind-closed-doors footage of Saints Row and is joined by Janet to talk about that, incoming Final Fantasy 7 news, and more!
Time Stamps -
00:00:00 - Start
00:03:40 - Housekeeping
00:08:02 - Saints Row Preview Round Up
00:24:12 - Final Fantasy 7 news is coming next month
00:36:41 - Ads
00:38:50 - Bungie’s CEO has SPOKEN about Sony
00:49:33 - Nintendo is now partly owned by Saudi Arabia
00:53:20 - CoD Warzone 2 details have seemingly been leaked
01:03:03 - Dead by Daylight is getting some cool crossovers
01:08:07 - Out today
01:10:00 - You‘re Wrong
Tomorrow’s Hosts: Tam & Tim
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