Kinda Funny Gamescast: Video Game Podcast
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Time Stamps -
00:00:00 - Start
00:04:47 - Housekeeping
00:07:22 - The 2nd Annual Kinda Funny Smileys
00:12:25 - Best Indie
00:29:20 - Best Style
00:37:51 - Best Old Game
00:47:34 - Best Early Access
01:03:24 - Best DLC/Expansion
01:13:45 - Best Innovation
01:26:41 - Ads
01:29:45 - Best Character
01:43:40 - Best Story
01:59:28 - Best Surprise
02:13:06 - Best Card Game
02:24:26 - Best Studio
02:33:43 - Player’s Choice Award
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