When I first heard Bob Jones’ prophecy of the billion soul harvest, the Father told me, “I do not want a billion orphans, but a billion sons.” This is not just people who have said ‘Yes’ to follow Jesus. These are those who have been through healthy discipleship; they know who and whose they are and they carry the love of Papa God wherever they go, that the world will know a God who looks like Jesus.
Benji and Daniela Morf are a beloved spiritual son and daughter of mine. They have put their life in the offering plate and given the Lord permission to spend their lives however He desires. Investing in and equipping the Body of Christ is the one thing that they have given themselves to. Different parts of Asia have been impacted by their ministry and they have seen thousands come to the Lord through careful discipleship. They have seen the kingdom family grow through multiplication, rightly bearing the name of their ministry - Kingdom Family Multiplication.
Jesus is returning for His bride. We know that according to Matthew 24, He will not return until every ethnic group has heard the fullness of the Gospel. Jesus so desires to be united with His beautiful bride — the Church – and the Father longs for His sons and daughters to come home but this can only happen when the Body of Christ values making disciples intentionally.
It is Benji and Daniela’s passion and assignment to see the Church equipped to prepare for the coming harvest.
It brings me great pleasure to share this podcast with the world. Listening to them will stir your Spirit and encourage you. Be sure to share this episode with someone that you love.
To purchase Benji and Daniela’s book “Prepare the Barns” and be equipped to become a disciple maker to hasten the return of our beautiful Lord Jesus click here.
Interested in learning more about Benji, Daniela or Kingdom Family Multiplication? Visit globalkfm.org to learn more!