M-O-O-N , that spells Kingslingers! We're beginning Book 2 of The Stand, covering chapters 43 and 44! Its a week of many meetings where Nick meets the incredible Tom and Larry meets the mysterious Nadine and little Joe!
Submissions for the 2nd Do the King Thing contest are due (today!!!) August 25th!!! Get the details here: https://www.doofmedia.com/2022/07/27/do-the-king-thing-2-short-fiction-contest/
Discussion Question: This week both Larry and Nick went through a moral test with the new people they came across. What is your favorite moral test of a character in books/movies/etc.
Next week, The Stand continues with chapter 45 and 46!
Check out the show schedule: https://tinyurl.com/yxa7lojv
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Stay updated with Kingslingers: @Kingslingerspod
Message us at [email protected]
Original music created by Matt Freeman: https://soundcloud.com/the-daly-planet/kingslingers-intro-ka-tet
Cover artwork created by Cyrix: https://www.reddit.com/user/CyrixDrawsStuff