Five shorter tales… and just a smidgen more.
Intro music by Emma Fradd of the Sibling Horror Podcast. "Hallowed World" by E J R M, all rights reserved. Additional voice: TheFinalGirly. Photo by Diana Siedel.
Prologue: Purcell the Creator, Part 1 (00:02)
1. novelty (00:37)
2. screen-share (9:27)
3. sleeperette (26:09)
4. jarprechaun (46:35)
5. tempt (1:09:18)
Epilogue: Purcell the Creator, Part 2 (1:27:21)
All stories on the Knifepoint Horror podcast are written by Soren Narnia, who can also be heard narrating or acting on the podcasts 'The Ghosts on This Road', 'Sibling Horror', 'SessionsX,' 'Let's Not Meet,' 'Campfire Radio Theater,' 'Tag Till We're Dead,' and others.